Your Privacy Matters at LetMeStudy

At LetMeStudy, a subsidiary of Chessian Consultants Private Ltd, we are committed to safeguarding your privacy and securing your personal data. If you wish to request the deletion of your data from our systems, kindly use the form below to submit a Data Deletion Request.

Steps to Request Data Deletion:

Step 1: Verify Your Identity

Please provide the necessary details below to verify your identity and ensure that we process the request from the rightful account holder.

  • Full Name:
  • Email Address:
  • LetMeStudy User ID (if applicable):

Step 2: Specify Data to be Deleted

Select the specific data you would like to be deleted. You can choose from the following options:

  • Account Information
  • Learning Progress and Course Data
  • Interaction History (e.g., discussion forum posts)

Step 3: Confirmation

By submitting this request, you acknowledge the following:

  • Data deletion is irreversible, and you may lose access to certain personalized features.
  • We will process your request in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Step 4: Submit Your Request

Once you’ve filled out the form, click the “Submit” button. Our team will review your request and initiate the data deletion process. A confirmation email will be sent once the process is complete.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How long does the data deletion process take? A: We aim to process data deletion requests within 48-72 hours. You will receive a confirmation email upon completion.

Q: Can I cancel a data deletion request once submitted? A: Unfortunately, the data deletion process is irreversible. Please review your request carefully before submission.

Q: How is my data handled during the deletion process? A: Your data will be permanently removed from our systems, and we follow secure protocols to ensure data integrity and confidentiality.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the data deletion process, please reach out to our Data Protection Officer at [].

Thank you for choosing LetMeStudy. We are dedicated to providing a secure and transparent experience for our users.