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WhatsApp Forensic Analysis & Investigation Course Training

Original price was: Rs 100,092.00.Current price is: Rs 83,410.00.
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Total Hour


About Course

WhatsApp Forensic Analysis & Investigation involves examining digital evidence from WhatsApp messaging application to gather insights for investigations. Analysts extract message content, media files, call logs, and metadata, analyzing communication patterns, timestamps, and user interactions. This process aids in reconstructing conversations, identifying relevant contacts, and establishing timelines crucial for investigations involving criminal activities, cyberbullying, or employee misconduct. Forensic tools and methodologies are employed to ensure data integrity and admissibility in legal proceedings. WhatsApp forensic analysis enables investigators, law enforcement, and cybersecurity professionals to uncover evidence, support investigations, and ensure accountability in digital communications.

What Will You Learn?

  • 1. In-Demand Skills
  • 2. Career Advancement
  • 3. Efficient CRM Management
  • 4. Data Security
  • 5. Workflow Automation
  • 6. Reporting Insights
  • 7. Job Opportunities

Material Includes

  • Hours On Demanded Videos
  • Full Lifetime Access
  • Access On Mobile and TV
  • PDF Notes
  • Certification Of Completion


  • 1. Basic Computer Skills
  • 2. Salesforce Account
  • 3. Access to Course Material
  • 4. Commitment
  • 5. Practice Environments
  • 6. Active Participation
  • 7. Certification Preparation


  • The targeted audience for WhatsApp Forensic Analysis & Investigation includes digital forensic examiners, law enforcement agencies, cybersecurity professionals, legal experts, and private investigators. These individuals specialize in extracting, analyzing, and interpreting digital evidence from WhatsApp messages to support criminal investigations, litigation, and cybersecurity incidents.
Rs 83,410.00 Rs 100,092.00
Enrollment validity: 180 days

Material Includes

  • Hours On Demanded Videos
  • Full Lifetime Access
  • Access On Mobile and TV
  • PDF Notes
  • Certification Of Completion

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