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1Z0-149-Oracle Database PL/SQL Developer Certified Professional Certification Training

Original price was: Rs 100,092.00.Current price is: Rs 83,410.00.
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Course Content

Declaring PL/SQL Variables

  • Recognize valid and invalid identifiers
  • List the uses of variables, declare and initialize variables, use bind variables
  • List and describe various data types using the %TYPE and %ROWTYPE attributes

Writing Executable Statements

Writing SQL in PL/SQL

Writing Control Structures

Working with Composite Data Types

Using Explicit Cursors

Handling Exceptions

Using PL/SQL Subprograms

Creating Procedures and Using Parameters

Creating Functions

Creating Packages

Working with Packages

Using Dynamic SQL

Design Considerations for PL/SQL Code

Creating Compound, DDL, and Event Database Triggers

Using the PL/SQL Compiler

Managing PL/SQL Code

Managing Dependencies

About Course

The 1Z0-149 certification, known as Oracle Database PL/SQL Developer Certified Professional, validates skills in developing and implementing PL/SQL applications in Oracle Database environments. It covers advanced PL/SQL concepts, SQL optimization techniques, and security measures. Holders of 1Z0-149 demonstrate proficiency in database programming, improving application performance, and ensuring secure data management. This certification enhances career opportunities by confirming expertise in Oracle PL/SQL development, supporting database-driven applications, and optimizing data handling processes for organizations across various sectors, including finance, healthcare, and IT services.

What Will You Learn?

  • 1. In-Demand Skills
  • 2. Career Advancement
  • 3. Efficient CRM Management
  • 4. Data Security
  • 5. Workflow Automation
  • 6. Reporting Insights
  • 7. Job OpportunitiesHours On Demanded Videos

Material Includes

  • Full Lifetime Access
  • Access On Mobile and TV
  • PDF Notes
  • Certification Of Completion


  • 1. Basic Computer Skills
  • 2. Salesforce Account
  • 3. Access to Course Material
  • 4. Commitment
  • 5. Practice Environments
  • 6. Active Participation
  • 7. Certification Preparation


  • The 1Z0-149 certification targets developers proficient in Oracle PL/SQL programming. It validates advanced skills in database application development, SQL optimization, and security practices. This certification enhances career prospects by confirming expertise in Oracle database programming, supporting efficient data management, and optimizing application performance.
Rs 83,410.00 Rs 100,092.00
Enrollment validity: 180 days

Material Includes

  • Full Lifetime Access
  • Access On Mobile and TV
  • PDF Notes
  • Certification Of Completion

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